Deja Hurston

April 27th, 2015  06:47 AM

When I die, I want my tombstone to say “She presented her case to the Oracle”

It’s my greatest accomplishment and most people in my everyday life wouldn’t understand even if I tried to explain it to them. They haven’t experienced Pangea the way I have so I can’t blame them. It’s make believe to them. They couldn’t understand the work that got me to that courtroom.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never been to law school in Sleep Walking life. I was a biology major before I dropped out and started gardening full time. What made me such a great lawyer in Pangea was my temper. I loved getting into arguments and proving my point so well, the other person had to humbly concede. I still love that.

I brought that skill to Pangea once I learned how to jump dreams and meet other people. I was taught by a Coyote as a matter of fact – Jeremy. He was quiet but a nice guy overall. He didn’t ask me to pay him at all, which is nice. Can’t beat free.

Anywho! I made a name for myself in Pangea as an influencer. I’d weigh in on disagreements people had and convince groups to come together. The one that made me famous happened in 2011. I negotiated the second truce between the Coyotes and the Detectives. That was a big deal because there were hostages involved on the Isle of the Dead. Real nerve wracking situation so navigating that put me on the map. One day, I’m standing in front of my DreamHub and this person in a cloak tells me that the Oracle wants to see me. Me?! I’m a nobody and the most powerful person in Pangea wants to see me? I thought it was a prank. If it wasn’t for the fact that this stranger was waiting for me before I even got to my DreamHub, I would have ignored it.

Thankfully, I followed him (or her, I really couldn’t tell) and was taken to this massive courtroom with hundreds of people gathered. They sat on rows of benches that encircled a small space in the center of the room. Each row of benches were higher than the ones in front of them so everyone seated stared down at whoever stood in the middle. It reminded me of the Colosseum in Rome. I was walked into the middle and was just left alone. Of course, I’m terrified. I have no idea what’s happening. Then the Oracle speaks and I notice her in the crowd. She explained why I was there, who they were, and we went from there.

I wish I could discuss the case and how it went but they swear everyone in that room to secrecy. And don’t even think about going back on your word. They’ll find out.

So this is the most I can say about that. I hope it helps.


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