Mona Douglass

September 12, 1992  9:16 AM

My mom used to tell me that whenever I feel overwhelmed by the things going on in my life, I should watch ants walk around and imagine their problems. I never knew what she exactly meant by that and she never gave me a straight answer when I would ask. When I got older, I took it to mean that the further away you can get from your issues, the smaller they seem. So whenever I was down on myself, I would try and think of the grand scheme of things. I try and think about all the people in the world and whatever I’m going through doesn’t seem that big.

When I was introduced to Pangea and learned how to live in a dream, I was like everyone else. I jumped from dream to dream and tried to take everything in. After a while, that was exhausting. Too many people, too many worries, too many voices, too many problems. I couldn’t be around it after a while. I realized I preferred to be by myself in my own dream minding my own business. But of course, that doesn’t happen once you know about Pangea. Other people from Pangea just pop up in your dreams. Especially people you’ve met before. I guess it happens all the time but now I notice them. I’ll be dreaming about doing something boring like grocery shopping and the person at the register is a Pangean. I can’t describe exactly how I can spot them so quickly but I can. The next thing you know, they’re asking me about myself and all these personal questions and it becomes clear that this isn’t someone I made up in my own dream. They’re trying to get me to join this organization of Pangeans or that club or whatever, they’re trying to make friends or they’re trying to sell you something. That gets annoying.

So I love where I am now. I’m above it all. I’m floating above Pangea in space when I sleep. It’s just me up there ad the world looks like a giant DreamHub to me. I see people running around and worrying about themselves but I’m miles and miles and miles apart. It’s like I’m looking down at ants.


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Melvin Mosley