Penelope Wright

May 19, 2018 10:11 AM

I’ve been a productive and busy member of Pangean society ever since I’ve been a part of it. What’s that been? 15 years I think? Something like that. Around 15 years of planning events for the people of Pangea. It’s hard to keep track when you’re doing what you love and I absolutely love what I do.

I do it all – baby showers, graduation parties, engagement parties, proms, concerts – nothing is too big or small. Most people sleep to rest but when I close my eyes, I’m at my most active. I’m jumping from dream to dream to make sure everything is just perfect for my clients! Most of them don’t realize they’re in a dream – those are my favorite gigs. To see the twinkle in their eyes when they see the perfect bouquet or the turnout they hoped for, is amazing. They’ll say something cute like “This is everything I ever dreamed of” and I’ll chuckle to myself because it’s true.

I can’t imagine doing anything else, no matter how tiring it can be. People ask me if I would rather just dream peaceful dreams or relax from time to time but to be honest, I can’t imagine it any other way. I had a father and daughter dance I put together a couple months ago where the band kept messing up. I think it was the dad’s dream and he couldn’t remember the lyrics really well. So he’s getting frustrated because the perfect moment he was hoping was falling apart. Thankfully, I knew the lyrics pretty well since it was one of my karaoke go-to classics. So I jump on stage and I sing the song myself! Of course I have the voice of an angel since we’re dreaming and I would never embarrass myself with anything less. But daddy and daughter were happy and the night was saved. That’s what you call going the extra mile.

I shouldn’t be telling you this but the other night I threw the baby shower for Duchess Meghan. It was fantastic. Simply fantastic. It was a hard gig to get. There were a lot of planners trying to land that one but I got it. There’s no way I’d do anything else. This is what Pangea’s all about for me.


Kristian Giovanni


Ron Butler